SRY Sample Practice

Your Free Supreme Release Yoga Practice with Kaya


Welcome to the “softer side of yoga”, both accessible & deep at the same time. Therapeutic, healing & transformational. The Supreme Release Yoga {SRY} practice is designed to meet you just where you are – whether you are new to yoga or a longtime practitioner or teacher. You’ll just need some comfy clothes, a little space & time dedicated to yourself, and a few yoga props! Enjoy. 

60 Minute Practice

Contemplation: When you are safe, allow yourself to feel safe.

This is the first practice in the series, “Releasing the Beneveolent Psoas”, found inside Kaya’s SRY Studio Online. Each practice in the series deepens the process with different techniques and viewpoints regarding the psoas – from the anatomy to the subtle to an ancient Indian story! 

Return to this 60 minute practice again and again to service your whole body, mind and heart. 

Want More SRY?

Join the SRY Studio Online

In the SRY Online Yoga Studio you’ll access deeply nourishing practices for profound healing and personal growth, grounded in transformative yogic.Rooted in Kaya’s full spectrum expertise of the Vedic tradition, body intelligence and the spine as the central channel of wellness, the practice makes timeless yogic teachings meaningful for modern life. Kaya offers accessible and deep practice with warmth, compassion and humor.  The SRY Studio Online is a sacred opportunity to experience the supreme Self and through practices and that truly nourish and satisfy.

In the SRY Online Yoga Studio is a hybrid of live teachings + recorded videos organized into monthly themes. Students have access to all current and pass practices with an ever-growing library of content. Deep & accessible yoga therapy classes go are designed to be repeated practiced on a daily basis, if desired. 

Kaya brings her 20 years yoga teaching expertise and her personal, gentle and direct tone shines through. As a mother, teacher, and practitioner, she truly understands that, while you want to go deep, you have a full life of responsibility to tend to. She designed the SRY Studio to work as part of your life – whether you can dedicate an hour, 20 minute or 5 minutes – you’ll find a nurturing, intelligent, authentic practice that meets you where you are and takes you deeper.

SRY Studio - For Everyone

$270 USD / year {that's $22 per month!}

$30 USD for one month

Therapeutic. Nurturing. Deep. Accessible

About SRY - Supreme Release Yoga

Release and nourish your spine, mapping holding patterns of the body, mind, emotions, karma and ancestry. Layers resolve to reveal the wellness and truth of your being within. Through this practice you nurture, soften, rejuvenate and heal, and leave behind the viewpoint that you need to “fix” the body. 

This approach decompresses the spine for a  healing and transformational effect. The spine is both the anatomical foundation of the body and the conduit of the nourishing nectar {soma} and transformative feminine fire {kuṇḍalinī śakti}. SRY also offers a direct, embodied experience of timeless yogic scripture and oral tradition, and Kaya threads contemplative teachings together with the direct experience of āsana of pranayama.

If you’ve been afraid of or become disenchanted with ‘yogaland’ superficialities or the “stretch” vs “strength” binary you’ve found a home in SRY. No yoga mats, No Mirrors, No performance, No workout, No aesthetic or athletic achievement. This is truly about inner unfoldment, bliss, healing, transformation and Self love.

Supreme Release Yoga is both accessible and advanced,  both gentle and deep.  The only way to understand it, is to experience it!

Themes Found in the SRY Studio

  • Yoga Nidrā, Resting in the Self
  • Pavanmuktāsana & the Glories of Consciousness
  • Softening the Heart & Feminine Divine
  • Seated in the Self
  • Releasing the Benevolent Psoas
  • Soma, from Depletion to Rejuvenation
  • MicroFlow & the Three Shaktis
  • Twist into Bliss
  • The Receptive Warrior
  • Standing Flow and Independant bliss
  • SomaFlow ~ Prāna, Agni & Soma
  • Standing softly with inner light
Bonuses include: 
  • Pregnancy SRY Practices
    Shorts {20-40 min practices}

  • Spotlights {5-15 min practices}
I have to tell you how much I am enjoying the classes. I've practiced everyday since joining. I'm continually surprised by how much subtle release I'm getting, around the sacrum and tailbone. I'm finally nourishing myself with asana again and have deeper guidance now with you. You are an inspiring teacher. Thank you truly! I feel more open and less stuck, tender and juicy in a great way.
Ayurveda & Sound Teacher
Wow. Kaya thank you so much for this practice. As someone with hyper-mobility and clunky SI joints I have avoided certain things for years because of discomfort or pain. No discomfort in this practice and after the first 45 minute class I can see and feel a profound difference in my posture. Seriously I've been walking around the house saying 'wow' out loud for the last 20 minutes!
Yoga Student, Mother
This week's practice was absolutely delightful and dare I say, truly blissful. The sequence was grounding, calming, safe and revitalizing and I had an emotional release during one pose. I feel I'm giving myself the care and comfort I've been craving. The SRY practice has been so healing and beneficial, and you're one of the few teachers I find it easy to feel connected to in the online format. Thank you!
Yoga Teacher

Yoga therapist and educator Kaya Mindlin has been teaching and specializing in the “softer side of yoga” for 19 years. Her background includes 3,000 hours of formal study and direct tutelage with masters of the Vedic Tradition, including therapeutic yoga, Vedic astrology, Ayurveda, Vedanta and Tantra. Kaya threads traditional teachings with release-based blissful practice. The result is truly meaningful for modern life. Her warm, nurturing approach transmits right through technology and into your heart, mind and life. Whether you are a first-time yoga student, dedicated practitioner or teacher, find a therapeutic spiritual practice that meets you where you are – both accessible and deep at the same time. You are welcome here. You are welcome home. 

Features of the SRY Online Yoga Studio:


Therapeutic Themes

A skilled therapeutic teacher and storyteller, Kaya makes each month a journey. She combines contemplative yogic teaching with a practical body-based experience in a way that allows students to progressively and directly embody transformative teachings while undergoing true healing.

Practice Live or by Video

Join Kaya's live offerings if you can, but the true treasure of your membership is the ongoing access to the library of themes and classes, mini practices, pose spotlights and contemplations. You can choose to follow along with each weeks primary practice, or go back to your favorites again and again.

Options to fit your Life

The primary practice of each week is about an hour. But Kaya has filled the library with additional practices of varying lengths. Do a 20-40 minute daily practice, click a 5-15 minute pose spotlight to target one thing, delve into a delicious guided yoga nidra, or use the contemplative teachings to guide your meditation.

$270 USD for a Full Year, or $30 USD / Month


Each weekly practice is about 60-75 minutes. Kaya also adds a bonus shorter practice each month. Inside the member area you can find mini practices of 5-15 minute, medium practices of 20-40 minutes, and fuller practices of up to an hour or more. The SRY Studio is deigned to fit your full yogic life. Many students enjoy doing the hour+ practices 1-2 times a week, and sustaining with a 30 minute practice on other days. 

No problem! Live attendance is a treat, and many members organize their schedules to make this possible. But the real gem of the SRY Studio is the anytime-access to the full library of content to practice regardless of your time zone or schedule! The live class times will vary month-to-month to make access possible for the diverse community. 

Many students of SRY have some form of pain – whether due to an injury, overuse, phase of life, constitution or otherwise. Most find that this practice is not only profoundly soothing and accessible but directly healing and resolving to pain! You can become pain-free. Still, it is impossible for even the most gentle accessible pose to work for everyone all the time. Kaya always references propping and alignment alternatives, as well as pose alternatives. If you truly need support, it is best to have one {or more} private sessions with Kaya {online} to assess what will and will not work for your body. You can leave those sessions equipped with your personalized alternatives or propping to make the studio practices work for you!

Absolutely! Dig a well! Kaya plans the SRY Studio themes in accord with her Online Program schedule so that they are a perfect opportunity for students to directly experience and embody the teachings she offers in programs like the Nectar of the Gita or the Nectar of Nidra. Students who are in those programs and the SRY Studio get a truly deep and full experience. 

Welcome home. You’ll find here, not only a physical practice that is completely outside the stretch-strengthen binary of yogaland, but also outside the “yoga therapy as physical therapy in Indian clothing” problem of modern Yoga Therapy. Furthermore, you’ve finally found a practice that actually directly EMBODIES the philosophical teachings of Patanjali Yoga Sūtras, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gītā, and Tantric Texts such as the Shiva Samhitā,  

So… if you are interested in the particular month-theme & plan to attend LIVE then it is best to join at the beginning of a month to track along so that you can get all four weeks of the series. 
February theme is: Standing Softly & Inner Light
{this means it is still primarily deep relaxation released-based nourishing practice, but then we take those principles into a standing position to see if we can sustain the inner orientation and softness while standing up}
But… if you are interested in practicing on your own with the recordings {this is what MOST members do}, then you can pick any theme inside the SRY Studio and practice at your own pace, moving through one or even several themes or jumping around. 

The list of themes inside the SRY Studio is on this page above!

  • Spotlights {5-10 min practices}

Accordion Content

Questions? Reach Out

Complimentary SRY Yoga Practice

Supreme Release Yoga is calming, grounding, and nourishing. 

You can open up a world within that has an inner divinity and stability that abides even amidst the most challenging of circumstances. 

Set aside an hour and experience the power of SRY!