Complimentary Supreme Release Yoga Practice

Enjoy this SRY Practice ~ a special gift for you!

For this practice, you’ll need some simple home yoga props (Blankets/bolsters, blocks, and a chair), one hour & comfy clothes. It is a restful, rejuvenating, & accessible practice to take you deep within yourself. Enjoy!

From the SRY Studio theme - Microflow: Releasing Rigidity, Revealing Reality

In this practice, Fundamental SRY āsana is threaded with Microflow movements to increase the therapeutic release in your spine. Lots of reminders that the journey is very deep in the body, not in the periphery. 

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Complimentary SRY Yoga Practice

Supreme Release Yoga is calming, grounding, and nourishing. 

You can open up a world within that has an inner divinity and stability that abides even amidst the most challenging of circumstances. 

Set aside an hour and experience the power of SRY!