Nurturing Practice | Transformative Teaching | Powerful Pedagogy.
Mystical & Practical Nectar of Yoga
You've been a seeker for a long time. Maybe lifetimes.
You want wisdom & practice that integrates the mystical into your life.
You want an authentic & accessible teacher who can make the teachings personal.
Welcome. You’ve arrived at the doorway of a living householder mystic & steward of the vedic tradition.
Start with the Offering that Resonates Most
Kaya’s traditional yet unique approach synergizes the beloved vision sacred scripture, yoga, jyotisha, storytelling, āyurveda, vedanta & tantra into full spectrum sharings.
Start with the offering that resonates most – from healing practices of Supreme Release Yoga, to the vedic calendar wisdom and storyies of Nectar of Time, to the scriptural teachings of the Nectar of the Gita or Patanjali and more.
All of the programs at Yoga with Kaya are designed to fit together for a full spectrum experience. They are priced and planned for the committed student to do it all.
Programs and memberships are made available as separate modules so that you have the divine sovereignty to “choose your own adventure” at your own pace.
Scroll down for the most current programs
"Time is the Ornament of the Goddess"
Nectar of Time
Storytime | Vedic Astrology | Yoga ritual
Attune to the sacred cosmic order with this powerful & deep membership centered on the VEDIC CALENDAR.
Each month Kaya shares Vedic Astrology insights for the month – including full & new moon meanings, devotional festivals of the Vedic Calendar, sacred stories & meanings of Gods & Goddesses, scriptural teachings and lifestyle practices. Nectar of Time is designed to transform all of life life into ritual. Along the way members receive live Q&A, bonus content, guest teachers, recipes & more to help you orient each month attuned to cosmic order.
This program is truly life changing!
student love
Starts October 2024! Early Bird is open
Kaya’s most deep & comprehensive online philosophy program for seekers & teachers.
Authentic exploration of the Bhagavad Gitā is considered a spiritual pilgrimage that transforms the listener.
The Bhagavad Gītā answers the deepesst human questions. It is praised as a form of the divine mother who lovingly & firmly delivers the most supreme teachings to householder-seekers.
Vastly misunderstood and even disregarded in yogaland, this scripture is essential for modern yogic seekers. Kaya expertly delivers the Gita to students in three six-week parts that will wholly transform every aspect of your life.
40 Hours CEU
student love
Secrets of the Subtle Body
Scripture + Oral Transmission + Practice
Authenticated wisdom of the nādis, cakras, guṇas elements and more, as has been passed down and protected through generations. Kaya threads storytelling, scripture and oral transmission in this 2 part program paired with experiential practices. From yogaland myth-busting to awakening teachings you & your yoga practice will not be the same after this program.
student love
Supreme Release Yoga
Divine Therapeutic Approach For all Bodies
Supreme Release Yoga [SRY] is a gentle approach rooted in the tantrika vision of the body as a sacred field of spiritual pilgrimage.
Inside the SRY Studio online accessible practices reveal blissful states within by gently decompressing the central channel – your spine. Your body & mind feel nurtured at every level. The online SRY Studio offers live practices, Q&As & over 50 on-demand videos to support you at home. Join anytime.
You came to yoga for a reason.
Now you crave the deeper mystical yogic wisdom & practices usually hidden from view.
As a teacher & steward of the vedic tradition, my purpose is to weave a rich tapestry that honors yoga’s promise. The more you deepen into yourself, the more you become available to be a full participant in your unique life.
You’re ready for the true nectar that relieves suffering and reveals the supreme – making all of life more meaningful and satisfying. This is yoga’s promise, and as a steward of this tradition, sharing it with you is my worship and my promise to you.
- Vedic Scriptural Teachings & Storytelling that enrich and transform your life.
- Devotional stories & practices to nourish your heart and remedy your mind.
- Tantrika Yoga that gently approaches the body as a sacred field of healing pilgrimage.
- Sanskrit + Mantra to deepen your journey.
- Accessible teacher who emphasizes personal attention and community connection.
- Āyurveda, Jyotisha {Vedic Astrology} & Vāstu {Vedic Design} woven into everything.
Practice Supreme Release Yoga
Practice of a divine approach tto āsana that will love you back. SRY gently opens doorways within by releasing your spine & revealing the secrets of the Self.
Scriptural Study & Oral Transmission
Inspiring, accessible teachings with Kaya are a spiritual pilgrimage of meaningful storytelling, scriptural revelation & personal connection.
Attune to the Vedic Calendar
Monthly vedic astrology sharings, āyurvedic lifestyle guidance, sacred storytime and rituals of the vedic calendar make life more rich & meaningful.