June Sangha: Threading Meaningful Teachings at an Important time.
For Experienced Yogis, Teachers {and people who think like teachers}
Support, discussion & sangha regarding if, when and how to convey meaningful yogic teachings given the various real time and real world issues – such as Black Lives Matter. How can in a way that feels productive, beneficial and transformative without being shaming, blaming, or spiritual-bypassing? How can we be unequivocal in our views, yet sattvic in our attitude?
The intention is not to offer a means for you to use yogic teachings to manipulate people or make them think what you think. That is not the purpose of yoga, nor of yoga’s teaching. What we would do is work together regarding your own inner pressure to shift people’s perspectives… and when to do that, how… but all in the framework of a yogic life and yogic teachings and viewpoint.
Please join, share, learn together… we are here for our own spiritual growth and to support others.