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Nectar of Time

Nectar of Time is a living, breathing offering. Below you’ll find offerings of the current month & past two months. As months pass, we leave them behind, free from attachment like a serpent sloughing off its old skin. Like the planets keep cycling through the zodiac, the stories and teachings return year after year as their proper time returns. Nectar of Time is meant to be meaningful in your present time. We recommend you start with the Tea & Jyotish for this month. 

February 2025

Secrets of Deepening

Jyotish Forecast, Ganapati Storytime, Saraswati Jayanti, Shivaratri & How to Plan your Week Bonus LIVE with Kaya


Teas & infusions, kitchari, cookies, sweets for Ganapati & more. Includes offerings from guests. 

This Month

Next Live: Saturday, March 1st @ 10am PT


Recordings enter portal within 24 hours.



Mantra, Āsana Self Oil Massage, Ghee Lamp Lighting and more. Includes offerings from guest teachers. 

Astrology Explainers

Short videos from Kaya on key aspects of Jyotiṣa. 

*Predictions found inside the current month.

Community Connection

Join in connection, inquiry & inspiration inside our online forum, where you’ll find a diverse & supportive community of seekers

+ Gifts & Recommendations

Nectar of Time Members have access to discounts on some of Kaya’s favorite small businesses that support a vedic lifestyle. 

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note to Kaya:

Your name & email will not be included. If you’d like a response, please send messages to Kaya from the forms in the Studio or Teacher areas {linked below}

Hṛd~Opening the Intuitive Heart

In this 4-week series, we will gently and therapeutically guide you into the profound center of your heart. Through physical, subtle, and mystical practices, your mind will find rest on its true throne.Practice Now

The Bliss of the Warrior

In this four week series we thread blissful spinal opening with a progressive exploration of Virabhadrāsana - Warrior. In the Reverent Warrior you'll experience thereapeutic release. Then you'll carry that softness into standing.Practice Now

Sacred Spiral

In this blissful series, you'll explore profound heart opening & ribcage release with Supreme Release Yoga Spinal Twists.Practice Now

Sthira, Sukha & Spanda

This blissful series cultivates the key to yogic mastery - sthīra & sukha with spinal decompression, therapeutics and twists. Your body becomes the field for the sacred pulsation that is the goddess within.Practice Now

Supreme Psoas

Decompress & nourish your whole spine with an emphasis on lengthening and hydrating your psoas. In this SRY series, we move toward a devotional, transformational āsana that integrates yogic softeness, devotion & power.Practice Now

Ananta: Interior Expansion

This four week journey brings in “microflow” movements to work gently & deeply in hidden realms along the spine. Here we map the macrocosm by working at the micro-level.Practice Now

Sacred Sukṣma

A 4 week curated journey with Kaya through the subtle spine – nādis, elements & realms of the cakras. The effect is healing, blissful, awakening & enlivening.Practice Now

Purifying Pathways of Prāṇa

Kaya threads classical pavanmuktasana movements with Supreme Release Yoga asana to open the spine and the pathways of prana. Here we balance the air element – releasing what is stagnant and stuck and inviting in new life force to flow and heal.Practice Now


This series arrives just in time for the Mahasivaratri festivities, honoring the sacred union of the primordial Siva and Sakti within the subtle spine. Through this series, we delicately release tension in the spine.Practice Now

Landscape of the Heart

In the SRY Studio this month we aim for the deep center of the heart. The knot here is the base of neck & shoulder tension. Opening this realm we open to intuition, insight & divine sight. Practice Now

Pillar of Luster

In this therapeutic and enlivening SRY series we reveal this inner pillar of luster through release and awareness. Each week combines gentle yet powerful spinal decompression with upright angles that awaken the fire and luminosity within.Practice Now

Sacred Sleep and Spinal Release

Each week, Kaya will release a guided awareness for Yoga Nidrā. Perfect to practice at the end of the calendar year, and easy to bring with you to do anywhere. The recordings are designed to carry you inward.Practice Now

Precious Prāṇa

In this series, you’ll directly experience the influence of increasing prāṇa on your spine, body, mind… and hopefully your life. Learn to invoke the power of sound, awareness, expansion and the subtle spine. Practice Now

Sweet Abode

This series emphasizes blissful letting go of tension and abidance in the “womb space” that is beyond personal identity. Release & rest in the realm that holds your ancestral stories, creative force, sensuality, juiciness, and the sense of a safe haven.Practice Now

Yoga Resolution

True freedom and joy are revealed when inner obstacles are resolved. This series invokes subtle spinal sequencing, subtle prāṇa, refined opening of the doorways of the sacred through both supported stillness and dynamic yogic action.Practice Now

Yoga Saṃskāra

All living beings have karmic patterns that are a result of past action momentum. Gently deepen your path of practice through blissful repetition of practices that awaken the auspicious spiritual karmas within.Practice Now

True Heart Opening

This four week series coaxes gentle and real release of your heart, while protecting your shoulders and aligning your head & heart. The result is an inner receptivity, stability, attunement to intuition and even divine bliss.Practice Now


This month Kaya shares initiation into the SomaFlow practice, a blissful journey which threads relaxing release + prāṇāyāma + soma mantra + rhythmic movement that pulls the nectar of vitality through the subtle spine.Practice Now

Soma: Nectar of Immortality

In this series, Kaya will share deep, slow, subtle & therapeutic practices that increase the flow of soma nectar in your body & mind, making you more calm, nourished and rejuvenated.Practice Now

Tejas: Revealing Radiance

In this series, Kaya will share therapeutic & transformative Supreme Release Yoga practices that support warmth, radiance, release, and cosmic intelligence along the central channel of the body.Practice Now

Purifying the Pathways of Prana

In this series, classical pavanmuktāsana movements combine with SRY practice to nurture the pathways of prāṇa, clear obstruction and open a contained flow. This therapeutic, pleasurable, gentle, deep practice is known to resolve stagnation & release pain.Practice Now

Free From Effort

This theme takes SRY’s deep nurturance and spinal decompression to a whole new level! Blissful, immersive, deep, gentle, accessible, advanced, restful, rejuvenating and healing. Bring ALL your yoga blankets & props & tell your spine it can finally let go!Practice Now

Minimal Props SRY

Deep, therapeutic, accessible inner opening with fewer props. Experience profound decompression of your spine, unfoldment of inner realms & quieting of your mind with āsanas that rely on the support of the chairs, walls & floors.Practice Now


Explore and experience the 4 vedic principles that transform āsana practice into spiritual practice. Kaya will thread contemplative teachings with Supreme Release Yoga’s approach to truly nurturing & heart opening spinal twists.Practice Now

Meditation Revelation

Explore practices that quiet the mind and bring you to blissful meditative states within. Rather than forcing your body or coercing your mind, experience gentle poses that reveal meditation to you.Practice Now

Walk Like a Yogi

Transform how you move through the world! Learn to walk with an open spine & contemplate yogic action teachings from the Vedic tradition.Practice Now

Receptive Warrior

Totally transform your experience of Warrior Pose & of actions in life. Learn how to soften, leg go, be receptive and carry that into a healing experience of warrior.Practice Now

Standing Softly with Inner Light

Establish softness, expansiveness and release with fundamental SRY practices and carry that experience into standing. All while contemplating yogic teachings on inner luminosity..Practice Now

Seated in the Self

Establish the most effective seated position for YOU with detailed exploration of props & body placement, with a foundation of spinal decompression and nourishment that will allow you to truly sit upright & relaxed for meditation, contemplation and more.Practice Now

Complimentary SRY Yoga Practice

Supreme Release Yoga is calming, grounding, and nourishing. 

You can open up a world within that has an inner divinity and stability that abides even amidst the most challenging of circumstances. 

Set aside an hour and experience the power of SRY!