Agni & Soma
It's not "what you eat" that matters, it's "what you digest"
While most people fixate on the perfect “superfoods,” the Āyurvedic system understands that before we think about “What should I eat?” we must ask the question, “How is my digestion?”
Optimal Digestion for Nourishing Foods
- Perfect foods in a disturbed digestive fire can cause harm, but optimized digestive fire can transform even imperfect food into nutrition.
- Learn how to self-assess your digestive fire and improve it with simple home remedies. Then learn Ayurveda’s most nourishing “nectar” foods that can be enjoyed by those with optimized digestive fire.
- The result of optimal fire and these deeply nourishing foods? Immunity, intelligence, vitality & longevity.
Vedic mantra, practical Ayurveda teachings, and storytelling in an accessible course to transforms your digestion & relationship to food.

Part 1 - Agni: Understanding & healing Your digestive fire
Get the most from every food you eat and every life experience you encounter! How is your digestion? Is it low and slow? Hot and high? Or all over the place? What is the nature of your appetite, how do you feel after you eat and are you getting the most from your foods? Learn how to assess your own digestive capacity and gain specific tools for optimizing your digestion. Explore the teaching os Agni – your digestive fire with imagery, stories and simple self-assessment tools. 1 hour audio lecture + handouts.
Part 2 - Soma: Imbibing the nectar Foods that nourish
Explore the principle of “soma” and learn about Āyurveda’s nectar-rich Soma foods! What is a true “superfood” Ayurvedic perspective? If you eat a food rich in nutrition, can you actually benefit from it? What are the most power-packed foods that deliver immunity and vitality? Learn about the foods with the highest capacity to deeply and directly nourish your tissues, mind, and heart.1 hour audio lecture.