Sanskrit Pronunciation & Transliteration
Sacred sound & meaning to polish your mind.
Authentic & Accessible Sanskrit Sound
Self Paced | Accessible | Lifetime Access

Why Study Sanskrit?
Sanskrit is the linguistic key to the whole vedic tradition, unlocking the secrets of yoga, ayurveda, jyotisha, sacred scripture, mantras, stories and more.
The sounds of Sanskrit both ancient & timeless…. resonating with the part of you that is also ancient & timeless.
Sanskrit is powerful & meaningful. Its sounds resonate within your subtle inner landscape in particular ways that entrain you with cosmic order. And the sounds themselves carry the meanings that build the words of the language.
In Sanskrit, there are no “alternatives” or “accents”… it is a pure language and proper pronunciation is imperative. Each sound and word can only be pronounced in one way… changing the sounds will change the meaning. Thus, the study of sanskrit pronunciation is essential for those reverent yoga teachers and seekers who desire authenticity in practice.
Inside this program...

- 2 Hours of Self Paced Lecture & Practicum
- Printable Guide to the Sanskrit Sounds
- Visual slides throughout including on Mouth Placement for Sounds and much more
- Āsana practice rooted in a bija mantra for the base of your spine and Ganapati – the lord of Sacred Sound
- Bonus Educational Content & Audio Chanting
- Stories of Saraswati the Goddess of Sound
- The Value of Sanskrit
- How to pronounce commonly mispronounced words
- Connections between Sanskrit & English
- Learn to Pronounce all of the Sounds with Practical Guidance
- Learn to read all of the sounds when transliterated into Roman letters
- Lifetime access so you can continue to practice
A Note from Kaya

I studied Sanskrit formally in Āyurveda school and with my Jyotiṣa teacher, Hart deFouw. But, Sanskrit came into my life years prior when I was taught Sanskrit invocations and recitations by my first yoga teacher. There was no formal instruction, just imitation – just the way I learned to speak english.
It was when chanting the Sri Rudram with her in the early years that I noticed the sounds seemed to flow freely out of me, without my thinking or consciously looking at the page… though it all seemed “new” to me at a logical level.
Raised in a family of musicians, sound, accents, song and the expressive arts have been part of my world since I was in the womb. My mother is a professional singer and my father was a locally renowned percussionist. My grandmother enchanted me with the lords prayer in Aramaic. These early connections to song and sound in this birth made Sanskrit come naturally.
My “Sanskrit Saturday” posts on social media found their way to many people starting around 2017… my attempt to lovingly poke and play with the common yogaland mispronunciation of Sacred sanskrit words… and help students seek authenticity in others and a higher standard in themselves as well.
*This class is a few years old… I keep meaning to teach a new round, with my now improved microphone & camera… but the teachings and practice is still valuable… so until then, I hope you enjoy the class at the deep discount… may it serve you well.