The Chakra Course

"Secrets of the Subtle Body"

Scripture Based | Online & Self Paced

About the Program

When it comes to cakras & the subtle body confusion abounds.  New age, western occultism,  pop-psych, entertainment, and enterprise have woven a compelling, entertaining, and popular tapestry of rainbow colors, and misguided notions are traded and transacted as “facts”. 
“Secrets of the Subtle Body” offers scriptural-based wisdom held in sacred stewardship. This program is designed to make your life, practice & spiritual studies more meaningful. 
If you’re a humble seeker aiming for authentic wisdom, this program is for you. 

“Through the unfoldment or development (vikāsāt) of the center (madhya), (there is) the abidance in the Bliss (ānanda) of Absolute Consciousness.” ~ Pratyabhijñahṛdayam

Discover the secrets the nādis, cakras, guṇas elements and more, as has been passed down and protected through generations. 
Kaya threads storytelling, scripture, oral transmission and direct practical application through practice. 
You & your yoga practice will be transformed by this program. 
Here you’ll find study as sādhana – spiritual practice – that delights you on your path of awakening. 

What's Inside Secrets of the Subtle


  • Four Hours of self-paced lectures
  • Two 30-minute pre-recorded Q&As with Kaya & Past Students
  • 4 Guided Tantra Āsana Practices to Journey with Embody the teachings 
  • 2 Curated Hours with Kaya on Kuṇadlinī Śakti & the Spine
  • Access to our online sangha for connection & reflection

What's Inside

  • Understanding what is the “subtle body”. 
  • Teachings on the spinal cakras
  • Teachings on the primary spinal nādis
  • Exploration of the elements, sounds & deities within
  • Teachings from upanishads & oral transmission
  • Learn a daily esoteric practice to begin each day with to connect with the subtle
  • Clear up common cakra “myths”
  • Application of Jyotiṣa, Vāstu, Yoga, and more in service of the subtle
16 Hours Continuing Ed
Self Paced
6 Months Access

Join Secrets of the Subtle


The practitioner becomes aware of the subtle body, and feels the life force within the spine [suṣumna]. This is not the feeling of a normal person. It is the feeling of an extraordinary person. ~ Ram Swarup

What Students Say...

I listened to these recording more times than I can count. There is so much juicy information here that it is impossible to digest it all in one sitting. I literally learn something new each time I listen, and I think each time I listen that I am really listening to what is being shared without distraction. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. It is such a treat to study with you. Your teachings are changing my life day by day as I put into practice all that I learn through you. Much love and many thanks.
Thank you for these potent teachings. WOW. Notably, I learned that I had been installing manipura much too high in the body. When I moved the triangle down directly into the naval, it felt more grounded and I think will be a key to healing. I could keep going with the ways your teachings have blessed me in this life. Thank you, truly, thank you, for your guidance and support on this matter and in all your teachings.
Wow! This program has been wonderfully insightful, and it feels like a big cloud of smoke has lifted, and now the picture is even more clearer that I ever thought it could be. You bring so much meaning and symbolism to all the categories that exist, in a very Ganesha like style. What I loved most about this program, is the revealing that is that all of our experiences as spiritual householders are experienced through the 5 elements. Thank you for your extremely generous sharings.
Popular yogaland & new age notions about the cakras are in fact covering up the profound teachings that are intentionally protected, keeping sacred secrets a secret. Meanwhile, academic approaches are disembodied and not applicable to the spiritual journey. 
Secrets of the Subtle is an authentic journey of teachings, stories and practice of the awe inspiring veda & tantra tradition.
The teachings are not academic, but authentic and made deeply personal, and meaningful that will profoundly illuminate your journey in yoga & in life!

About Kaya

Kaya Mindlin has been teaching Subtle Realms since 2017.

She has been teaching yogic seekers for 23 years with a background of thousands of hours in the full spectrum of the Vedic Tradition – including Āyurveda, Jyotiṣa, Storytelling, Scripture, Mantra, Devotional Practices & Yoga Therapy. 

She is a supporter of authentic stewardship over ownership of knowledge and a lover of this tradition. 

Kaya’s students come to programs with integrity, humility & an attitude that even study itself is a sacred practice. 

Kaya collaborates with other stewards of the tradition to work together to uphold and lovingly share the beloved & timeless teachings of yoga. 

Join the Secrets of the Subtle


Complimentary SRY Yoga Practice

Supreme Release Yoga is calming, grounding, and nourishing. 

You can open up a world within that has an inner divinity and stability that abides even amidst the most challenging of circumstances. 

Set aside an hour and experience the power of SRY!