"Time is the ornament of the Goddess" ~ Saundarya Laharī
Nectar of Time
Sacred Storytelling | Vedic Astrology | Ritual & Lifestyle | Bhakti
{Established by Kaya Mindlin & Michael Manzella in August 2002}
What is the Nectar of Time...
"Kaya, you are a holder of the timeless tradition of mother as storyteller. It is eternal isn't it? Mother-as-storyteller and inter-generational wisdom whisperer." ~ Kaya's Jyotish Teacher Hart DeFouw
Sacred Synergy of the Spectrum of the Veda Tradition
Jyotiṣa | Āyurveda Lifestyle | Mantra | Yoga | Sacred Storytelling
Nectar of Time is firmly rooted in tradition & sacred stewardship. At the same time, this offering is unique due to Kaya’s ability to galvanize and alchemize various aspects of the full spectrum of the veda & tantra tradition into a devotional tapestry.
Stories & teachings inside the Nectar of Time are unlike what you will find anywhere else, because they come alive in Kaya’s own understanding & approach. Through her vision you receive deep meaning through a personalized synergistic threading across jyotisha, āyurveda, kaṭhā [storytelling], śāstra [scripture]. Most importantly, rather than informational, Nectar of Time is transformational – with live Q&As and the personal touch of a teacher who is also a wife, mother & devotee of the divine mother.
What's inside April 2025...
Navrātri, Hanumān Jayanti & Akṣaya Tritiya
Spiritual Tests & Sacred Success
April 2025 Astrological Arrangements emphasize Pisces – the realm of completions, culminations, ritual, devotion, rejuvenation, liberation… and death before rebirth.
The month begins with Navarātri – the 9 Nights of the Divine Mother. Nectar of Time members will enjoy stories, songs & sacred teachings of the Goddess inside.
April also brings Rām Navami, the birthday of Ram, and the crossover is a perfect time to listen to Rāmāyana stories.
Mid Month brings Hanumān Jayanti – and Kaya shares transformational stories of how Hanumān surpasses spiritual tests… on the road to success in meeting the divine mother.
Finally May brings us the Vedic New Year as well as the auspicious day of Akṣaya Tritiya – a day to invest in wealth. Kaya reveals the golden secrets of this day of gold with suggested practices & teachings from vedic scripture.
Truly, this is a Vedic Month not to be missed by spiritual aspirants, and it all begins on Saturday April 5th, with our Tea & Jyotish Forecast for the month.
Join Nectar of Time
One year container for $405
Or Join MOnthly at $40/month
*This is a membership program designed to change your life over the course of time. Join anytime and cancel your membership anytime.
What Members Say...
Inside the Nectar of Time...
Each month’s offering is rooted in the vedic calendar. Here’s what’s included:
Monthly Live Tea & Jyotish session – a forecast of the Vedic Astrology of the month so you can understand & plan the month ahead
Monthly Stories of Gods, Goddesses & Sages based on vedic festivals of the month. Kaya offers her storytelling skill, and her revelations of hidden meanings
Spiritual Sādhanas – such as mantra, āsana, yoga nidrā or devotional ritual depending on the vedic festival of the time
Suggested lifestyle practices such as āyurvedic self massage & recipes as well as daily chanting
Bonus classes & storytimes for various festivals or extra Jyotish updates!
Access to our online sangha of over 250 members for sharing in conversation, connection & inspiration
Special gifts & bonuses from guest teachers and friends of Nectar of Time
“Storytelling, practices and teachings given at the right time are a healing remedy that allow you to entrain to time. Sacred is time, and sovereign is the one who knows how to wield it.” ~ Kaya
The Nectar of Time container threads devotional stories, sacred rituals & vedic astrology into a divine tapestry that will change your life. Created as an ongoing membership in 2022, each month is unique due to ever changing astrological conditions interplaying with the cyclical nature of the vedic calendar.
Features of Nectar of Time
Storytelling & Mantras & Sacred Celebration

Each month focuses on a particular theme, divine form, or celebration of the Vedic calendar. Kaya shares storytime and sacred ritual honorings or practice attuned to cosmic configurations.
Āyurveda Self Care & YOgic practiceS

Bonus on-demand content each month from Kaya & guest teachers include āyurvedic lifestyle, recipes, āsana, prāṇāyāma, yoga nidrā open source sanskrit recitation, singing & scriptural teachings.
Tea & Jyotish created by Kaya & Michael

Kaya and her husband, Vedic astrologer Michael Manzella, create monthly live tea and jyotish sessions that are accessible and inspiring. The Live Q&As make the sharing even more meaningful and clear.
Experience your life journey guided and nourished by divine timing, and anchored in the breath of the cosmos, manifesting as the vedic calendar and its meanings.
Join Nectar of Time
One year container for $405
Or Join MOnthly at $40/month
**This is a membership designed to change your life over the course of time. Your selected payment method will be automatically charged at the end of each payment cycle as long as you wish to be a member.
What Members Say...
Join Nectar of Time
One year container for $405
Or Join MOnthly at $40/month
**This is a membership designed to change your life over the course of time. Your selected payment method will be automatically charged at the end of each payment cycle as long as you wish to be a member.
Each month in the Nectar of Time is a living offering.

Each month is a living offering...
- Ganesha Chaturthi – Hidden meanings + mantras & āsana practices for Ganesha
- Pitr Pākśa – Teachings & Practcies for the ancestors
- Navarātri – Stories & practices for the goddess
- Dipāvali – Celebration + deeper understanding
- Eclipse Season – guidance & meaning for strange times
- Vedic New Year – Honoring the Sun & Moon
- Śivarātri – Shiva Storytime to deepen your spiritual journey + yoga nidrā practice to meet lord Śiva
- Saraswati Jayanti – Stories, Mantra, and Meaning
- Akṣaya Tritiya – Hidden meanings, scripture & suggestions
- And so much more!!
What Members Say...
Nectar of Time created by Kaya Mindlin & Michael Manzella in 2022

My love for jyotish began with our early studies on the banks of the Ganges in India in 2002, continued under direct tutelage of Hart deFouw and grows day by day.
My love of storytelling began in childhood, raised by performing artists. Reading vedic stories to my children further awakened this love and I began sharing festival stories and meanings with small groups in 2016 while pregnant with our second child. The stories are open source & timeless. But they are stewarded by culture I share them from a personal vision.
Culturing my mind with the vedic teachings and devotional practices for 25 years, the meanings of stories are often now revealed in quiet reflection. Weaving my love of Jyotisha, Āyurveda, Yoga and Storytelling together in the Nectar of Time is my offering that I hope honors my teachers while delighting & supporting you in the right ways.
Tea & Jyotish segments & Vedic Calendar counsel r are under the advisement of Kaya’s husband, master Vedic Astrologer Michael Manzella.
Michael has been advising clients internationally for 16 years, having been under direct & private tutelage of Hart deFouw since 2005. His skill, warmth, humor, depth and practical approach give you well needed insight and decision making regarding everything from work and family to finance and study to spiritual practice, relationships and more.
Jyotish is for everyone! His diverse clientele range from actors & acupuncturists, healing practitioners and astrologers, farmers and teachers, Chefs and CEOs.
How can we serve you?
Send a note to Kaya & her team