"Time is the ornament of the Goddess" ~ from Śakti Tantra
Auspicious New Year
2025 Vedic Astrology Forecast
Saturday January 4, 10am-12pm Pacific Time
{recording available to those registered}

January 4th inside the Nectar of Time brings our 2 hour live Vedic Astrology forecast for 2025 at 10am Pacific Time.
Mid month Kaya offers a devotional storytime and wisdom teachings to celebrate Makara Sankranti – an auspicious vedic festival to honor the start of the Sun’s auspicious half of the year. Kaya will share teachings about the Sun [the lord of soul dharma] as well as stories from the Rāmāyana – of sun-ruled characters facing and overcoming their fears in order to accomplish their destiny!
Join for the annual forecast… but stay for all the juicy devotional teachings yet to come. These will support & inspire you as you face the inevitable challenges in your own soul journey this year.
About Nectar of Time
Each month in the Nectar of Time is a living offering from a vedic steward. Enjoy vedic storytelling, rituals, devotional teachings & more, all rooted in the unfoldment of the Vedic Calendar, month after month & year after year.
- Tea & Jyotish forecast + Q&A the first Saturday of every month, LIVE at 10am Pacific Time [and recorded]
- Celebrations of Various festivals of the Vedic Calendar
- Teachings and stories connected to Gods, Goddesses, Rishis & Royals… in the appropriate season of the traditional Vedic calendar
- Recipes, Rituals & self-care practices that Kaya incorporates into her home and family life