Pregnancy & Ancestral Healing Practice


perfect for:

  • Pregnant yoga practitioners in the 2nd and 3rd trimester
  • Anyone of any gender looking for pelvic healing and ancestral healing

pregnancy & ancestral healing


This online practice includes:

  • 60 min SRY Yoga Practice
  • Contemplative teachings from the yoga tradition about ancestral healing
BONUS: 2 Audio guided awareness practices for shavasana or meditation


  • Props required for this practice: 2-3 yoga blankets (minimum) and 2 yoga blocks
  • Do NOT start SRY in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • If you are new to SRY and pregnant, you can begin in the 12th week.
  • If you were practicing SRY prior to conception you can continue through the 1st trimester. {Many students find that they simply want to take a break during the first three months.}
  • If you have a high risk pregnancy, please contact me first.

Pregnancy & Ancestral Healing


A slow practice that is perfect for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, but also incredibly healing to any student of any gender who wants:

  • Womb healing for imbalances with menstrual cycle, fertility or menopause
  • Postpartum wellbeing
  • Healing for the male reproductive system
  • Pelvic healing
  • Lower back pain
  • Ancestral healing
  • A restful practice

This practice nourishes the whole spine, creates more space in the pelvis through gentle release of tension below and behind the abdominal organs, as well as a heart opening and healing contemplation about releasing ancestral wounds and gathering ancestral virtues.

Complimentary SRY Yoga Practice

Supreme Release Yoga is calming, grounding, and nourishing. 

You can open up a world within that has an inner divinity and stability that abides even amidst the most challenging of circumstances. 

Set aside an hour and experience the power of SRY!