DeMystifying Karma
DeMystifying Karma
Understanding Fate, Free Will & the Journey of a Jīva
Why Study Karma?
Karma teachings are traditionally a prerequisite to the study & practice of of Āyurveda, Yoga, Astrology, and scriptures like the Yoga Sūtras and the Bhagavad Gītā which reference karma heavily.
Yet these essential teachings are often undervalued, oversimplified or misunderstood. As Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gītā, “the ways of karma are deep and mysterious”.
The doctrine of karma is not one text, but a multitude of teachings embedded across multiple stories & scriptures of the veda tradition, passed down through oral transmission. Itreveals a rich vision of the jurisdiction each of us has over our life trajectory.
Understanding karma can be a key to lifelong wisdom, peace of mind & psychological freedom. It can unhook us from anxiety, regret or resentment about your circumstances as well as inspire us us to engage with free will with a sense of empowerment!

"The pain and joy you will experience in this lifetime is encoded in your body, in the earth, and in the stars, at the time of your birth. It is karma which takes each individual down their path in life." ~ The Devi Bhagavatam, Scripture on the Goddess
Inside Demystifying Karma
Kaya unveils the nuance and complexity of the “doctrine of karma” with story, scripture, practical examples and powerful metaphors to bring these teachings to life.

Open to everyone
(5 CEU)
Who this is for?
- Students of the Bhagavad Gītā, Patañjali Yoga Sūtras or any Vedic Scripture
- Yoga Therapists & Teachers
- Ayurvedic Practitioners
- Clinical Therapists
- Clients & Students of Vedic Astrology
Topics Include
- Destiny vs Free Will
- Is karma fixed? And can we “change” our karma?
- Reincarnation & past karma
- The conscious, subconscious & unconscious levels of karma: karma, vrtti, vāsana & saṃskāra.
- Practices & choices and their impact.
- What is “luck”?
- Is there “good karma” and “bad karma”
- Words from key scriptures such as Patanjali Yoga Sūtras and the Mahābharata on Karma
- Two 90 minute self-paced lessons
- Two 30 minute pre-recorded Q&A with past students
- 20 minute bonus teaching on Karma
- 60 minute Supreme Release Yoga practice to open the heart & the realms of your own karmic past
- Lifetime Access
- Membership in our online sangha for your questions & reflections
From Students
"Kaya imparts devotion to teaching, scholarship, and genuine love for her students. Her instruction is clear, straight forward, and delivered in a welcoming, accepting manner. If she has any “agenda”, it is to remain true to the texts and remain rooted in the teaching tradition. I find great comfort in her objectivity and confidence in the path of each student. With clear examples, humor and love, Kaya has exceptional skill for making these ancient teachings relevant, useful, and in context of the day to day lives of her students."
“This had an effect on me in ways I didn't expect. It was so fascinating to delve so deeply into a topic that was just hardly touched on in yoga trainings. But more than that, I've been walking around percolating on it for the last couple of days. I am finding it is re-callibrating how I view my whole life as well as my spiritual practice.”
“Kaya is a teacher to her core. She's compassionate, humorous, organized, deep, effective, powerful, insightful and authentic. Kaya is steeped in the knowledge that she shares and embodies an artistry of teaching that is a divine gift. I walk away from every program inspired and empowered to use what I’ve learned. I see tremendous benefit as I apply her teachings in my personal and professional life. I am deeply grateful to have such a master teacher in my life!”

Having delved into deep study of the doctrine of karma with my generous teachers, it is a subject that has profoundly impacted and guided my own life. Understanding karma set me free and empowered me in ways that are difficult to describe. It is one of my favorite subjects. This online iteration of a course I taught in person for many years was created for Nectar of the Gītā students because of the countless questions on the subject as the teachings were unpacked. It has now become a favorite amongst my students – be they seekers or teachers – and amongst the Vedic Astrology clients of my husband Michael.
I hope you enjoy the teachings and that they can come to be a guiding light in your life too!