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Yoga Sutras with Kaya

Clarifying Yoga's Practice & Purpose

August 2023

SELF-PACED COURSE + Live Q&A Sessions + 4 Specially Curated Yoga Practices


Explore key essential teachings of the yoga sutras in ways that touch the heart deeply and impact your practice and lifeIn this program we’ll extract the mystical and transformational nectar of key sutras of this sacred manual, with the traditional commentary of Veda Vyāsa and the blessing of the oral teachings of Kaya’s teachers. 

No experience, reading, or preparation is required. *However, it is ideal that you have completed the Nectar of the Gitā before this program. If you wish to have a translation, you are welcome to use any one of your choice.  

Access to the program is for one year.

Are you a Nectar of The Gitā Grad? You have a coupon code for $25 off this program! Make sure to use it. 

Are you a SRY Studio Member? Surprise!! You now receive 15% off many of the programs at Yoga with Kaya. My thank you gift to you. Find your special coupon code inside the SRY Studio Dashboard.

Complimentary SRY Yoga Practice

Supreme Release Yoga is calming, grounding, and nourishing. 

You can open up a world within that has an inner divinity and stability that abides even amidst the most challenging of circumstances. 

Set aside an hour and experience the power of SRY!