Personal Dharma & Difficult Decisions
Life sometimes feels like series of decision doorways, doesn’t it?
At times, life is simple and your next move is clear.
In Sanskrit we have the term dharma, which essentially means that which upholds the cosmic order. And then sva-dharma, which is “self-dharma”. Sva-dharma is your own personal role as a contributor to the whole order.
The complicated truth is that no one has “one dharma”.
Life is a convergence of complicated & interconnected roles and demands that often multiple doorways seem right at the same time.
About the past few weeks...
Like you, I carry multiple roles. I’m a mother, wife, teacher, sādhaka, grandaughter, daughter, sister and friend. Each of these roles carries a myriad of responsibilities.
Each role and its responsibilities are like different threads that weave the tapestry of your life.
This month two powerful threads have been tugging in different directions. One is my role as a granddaughter, the other is my role as a mother.
"Birth and death are a door through which we go in and out. Birth and death are a game of hide-and-seek. So smile to me and take my hand and wave good-bye. We shall always be meeting again at the true source, Always meeting again on the myriad paths of life.”― Thích Nhất Hạnh,

At the same time, a circumstance with children and their schooling was holding me at home.
I felt pulled in two directions, and struggling with the human limitation of not being able to be in two locations at the same time.

Two facets of my dharma in seeming competition.
And no clear “right” answer appeared magically before me.
But I know from experience to take my guru’s advice and “walk around the situation”. So I took time, and I surrounded myself with the three resources that always carry me through: Wisdom Teachings, Vedic Astrology and Devotional Practice.
“Arjuna sat down on the back of the chariot, cast aside his weapons and said, 'I am overcome. I am confused about my duty. Please tell me that which is truly better for me to do.'" ~ Bhagavad Gītā
The Bhagavad Gītā
When wisdom teachings like the Bhagavad Gītā are installed in your heart, they are with you at all times.
It is because of the the Gītā that while I was struggling with the decision, I wasn’t suffering.
The knowledge of the Bhagavad Gītā
You see, the Bhagavad Gītā is a Dharma Scripture.
It’s a guidebook for householders whose varied desires and roles can appear to be in conflict.
You can’t be in two places at once, or pursue two goals at once, or please everyone all the time – not even yourself. And so you find yourself in a cycle of feeling confused, inadequate, and dissatisfied.
This confusion is called “samsara”, which is often translated as suffering.
And dharma confusion catalyzes the entire teaching of the Bhagavad Gītā.
In a a nutshell, Arjuna says to Krishna, “I see two possible choices, and both seem right. I don’t know what to do! And regardless of my choice, I fear I will feel just as dissatisfied and inadequate as I do right now!”
Krishna proceeds to unfold teachings in how to navigate complexity, how to commit to wise choices, and how to alchemize our actions into a path of spiritual growth.
The teachings of the Gītā allowed me to see that:
This was not a crisis, just a momentary dharma confusion
I can take my time to remember my values and my responsibilities and find my way to the right choice.
There are different ways to take action that fulfill one’s roles
There is spiritual value in the confusion, the process and the action.
Knowledge, good counsel, wise action and devotion are the remedy.