After four months of being retrograde, Saturn is preparing to shift gears and move forward. Thus, November 12-18 is a very potent time known as Śani Vikala – Saturn stand still.
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*Video segment from Nov 2nd “Tea & Jyotish” forecast in Nectar of Time where this month’s mantra teachings, sacred storytime & practices center on “Prioritizing Peace”.
Śani Vikala is always significant, but this time, it occurs with a particular full moon that makes it an especially potent pause.
For many people, this week will feel stagnant, frustrating and disturbing giving rise to feelings of anxiety, anger and agitation.
With some guidance, this week could be profound. Truly it has the potential to be a potent pause to prioritize peace, and a sacred opportunity to shine luminosity into the shadows. What an opportunity to prepare before Saturn begins to walk slowly forward!
Use this time wisely.
Rest, remember, reflect, release and recite sacred sounds.
May it help you to orient to stepping forward with Saturn rejuvenated & well resourced.
This is a good time for Mantra recitation, Gentle Yoga, Yoga Nidrā, Journaling, Reflection & Time in Nature with Loved Ones.
What if you're very busy at this time?
For some people, Saturn brings a load of responsibility, and even blessings. Family & work responsibilities in particular could increase for some of you during this week and over the full moon.
In that case is… find the calm in the storm. Here are my suggestions for you:
– Take small moments, in the morning & before bed for example, to insert quiet, or yogic practice or mantra.
– Reduce doing anything “extra” if possible
– Embrace & surrender the blessing of a full life!
– If in general life feels “too body” take moments to contemplate what you can “let go” of to have more spaciousness in the future
Don’t resist or worry about the fullness of your schedule or life. Embrace it without resistance. The freedom from resistance will give you an INNER SPACIOUSNESS which is what matters most.
Indeed, this inner attitude is the yoga of the Bhagavad Gītā…
“The normal person, obsessed with preferences, is agitated and does not gain peace. But, the wise person is full and calm, allowing all to flow in, and yet remaining unchanged. Like a brimful ocean that allows all water to flow in, and yet remains still." ~ Bhagavad Gītā 2.70, translated by Kaya
The Potential in the Pause
My mother once said to me, “If you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything”.
Similarly, my guru would say “take time to walk around the situation“.
Sacred pauses allow for a shift in your viewpoint which leads to wise action. And indeed most famous pause took place at the beginning of the Bhagavad Gītā, which lead to the teachings of how to make all of life yoga.
*Video extracted from the Nectar of the Gita program.
"Arjuna sat down in the chariot, cast aside his weapons and said, 'I am overcome and confused. Please tell me that what to do.'" - Bhagavad Gītā.
This essential moment at the beginning of the Bhagavad Gita was the catalyst for profound and timeless teachings that have blessed the world.
Remember, the peak of this Saturn Vikala will be during the full moon on November 14/15. Take this time for deepening inner reflection, spiritual practice, study and sacred study.
May this sacred pause of Saturn be a deepening moment for you in your life, knowledge & relationships.