Community Gathering
Storytime | Universal Peace Chanting | Q&A
On December 16th, still basking in the glow of the recent full moon which invoked blessings of community connection, we gathered LIVE across the globe to chant the Universal Peace Mantra together. Kaya begins with a story from purāna, then we share in recitation together. Then we open it up to questions from those who could join live + those who sent in their questions by email.
- Prāṇāyāma & planet leadership [more on this in Secrets of the Subtle Body]
- Intentions, actions, free will & unknowingly causing harm
- Ancestral healing, separating from family & opening the door to reconnect
- Why Śāntiḥ x 3 at the end of invocations [more in DeMystifying Karma]
- The order of mantras [note – here Kaya is speaking about open source mantras]
- What does this tradition say about hope?
- Where are the deities?
- Historical roots to gentle, inner, therapeutic āsana practice? [references Supreme Release Yoga]
- Is there a Sanskrit word for “appreciating that all is Īśvara”? Bhagavad Gītā uses Prasāda Buddhi and Patañjali uses Īśvarapraṇidhāna.
Thank you for joining this gathering…. live or by recording. You are deeply appreciated. Wishing you a beautiful seasonal sacred pause, solstice & new year threshold. May you discover the sukha within is an ever-growing field that grows seeds of love, peace & blessing enough to share. I’m looking forward to sharing more with you in the year to come.
Love, Kaya
Sanskrit Prayer for Universal Peace
Memberships with Kaya
Sacred | Vedic Calendar & Rituals | Jyotish
Kaya will share an astrology forecast for 2025 + stories from the Rāmāyana about times of hopelessness & fear.
Each month is unique, with a Vedic Astrology forecast for the month + Vedic Storytelling with meanings revealed + honoring the various rituals and celebrations of the Vedic Calendar.
Along the way there are recommended mantra, āsana, yoga nidrā, lifestyle, recipes & devotional rituals depending on the vedic festival of the time.
Yoga Practice as Inner Pilgrimage
Experience the yoga you’ve been looking for – gentle but deep, advanced but accessible, soft but transformative.
Supreme Release Yoga {SRY} threads healing release of spinal tension, nurturance of your whole body as a field of awakening and meaningful yogic teachings from the oral tradition and ancient texts. This is a mature practice for dedicated yogis and teachers who want to go beyond “shape making” and go into the vast divine sukha within.
Weekly LIVE classes, Q&As, Bonuses + a Library of 50+ Practices ranging from 10-75 minutes.
Other programs of Study...
Authenticated wisdom of the nādis, cakras, guṇas elements and more, as has been passed down and protected through generations. Kaya threads storytelling, scripture and oral transmission in this 2 part program paired with experiential practices. From yogaland myth-busting to awakening teachings you & your yoga practice will not be the same after this program.
A life-altering opportunity to transform your ability to see everything in the world, including your body & health, as living pattern. Learn to recognize and utilize the most harmonizing & meaningful patterns patterns and avoid disharmony too. Your yoga practice + life look divinely different to you after this program.
Understand the intricacy & mystery of destiny, free will, reincarnation and the subconscious. Kaya shares scripture, stories, metaphors & the oral tradition’s teachings of karma that are essential for spiritual seekers. This wisdom is essential to the spiritual path & requisite for yoga, ayurveda, vedic astrology and the study of the Yoga Sūtras and Bhagavad Gītā.