Major Shifts & Supreme Leap
It's time to cultivate a soft devotional attitude, release the fears of the past, remember our power and take a giant leap forward!
In this tea & jyotish time we look at the major astrological changes of April. Get a warm beverage, some notes and take a listen.
April brings changes in the positions of Venus, Rahu-Ketu, Jupiter & Saturn. These are big shifts and we are called to pay attention to dharma, karma & our habits.
Hanumān Jayānti {birthday} also happens to be April 16th 2022.
Hanuman – the great vānara born for a great purpose, and given immense power. He’s the original superhero.
In his youth, he misuses his powers, and is made to forget them. He is subdued, he becomes humble and gains knowledge and devotion.
With his heart full of the divine, the time of his purpose arrives, he remembers his power and with clarity, devotion, humility and purpose he regains his strength, power and magical capacities.

Supreme Leap!
Supreme Release Yoga April Practice with Kaya
Nectar of Patanjali
Clarifying Yoga: Spiritual Journey of Life
A rare opportunity to delve into these essential teachings in ways that touch the heart deeply and impact your practice & life directly. Kaya will select key sūtras and extract the mystical & practical nectar of this sacred manual, using the traditional commentary and the blessing of the oral teachings of her gurus and mentors who show how Patanjali restates the Upanishads & the Bhagavad Gitā. We will explore key sūtras on Yoga’s definition, purpose, potential & practice.
Online & Recorded
Vedic Astrology Readings
Michael Manzella is an expert Jyotishi {Vedic Astrologer}. His skill, warmth, humor, depth and practical approach is a balm to clients internationally. If you’re at a juncture point in life, require insight or strategy, want to gain strategy & insight regarding key aspects of life {work, family, finance, study, relationships etc}, Jyotish readings offer profound guidance.