Deep Study with Kaya
Where Mystical Meets Practical
Thank for the gift of these sacred teachings and practices Kaya. You have had an incredible impact on my life. You radiate incredible confidence, wisdom, and kindness. Studying with you I've felt myself mature, but even more special, I've I am beginning to mature as a teacher of true yoga. I have so very much to learn, but having a teacher like you gives me great excitement to continue studying and following this path. Thank you for everything you have done for me, I am so grateful.” ~ Sonia

Membership Containers
Consistent deepening that will transform your life.
Kaya’s membership containers thread mystical teachings, stories, ritual, wise counsel and embodied practices to transform you at every level. The sacred nature of your body, relationships and life will be revealed beyond your imagination.
Offered separately, but designed to fit together for a richer experience if you choose to join both.
SRY Studio Membership
Gentle but deep, advanced but accessible. SRY is an embodied experience of the your body as a sacred field of yoga.
Kaya’s healing & therapeutic Supreme Release Yoga practices reveal blissful states within by gently decompressing your spine to nurture you from the physical to the subtle. The online SRY studio offers live practices and over 50 on-demand videos to support you at home.
Join anytime!
Nectar of Time Membership
Experience life organized and nourished by the sacred nectar of time. Each month Kaya shares Vedic Astrology, classical puranic stories, deep teachings and practices that transform life into a meaningful ritual guided by time as a form of the divine. Each month includes live teachings, Q&A, and bonus content to help you orient each month attuned to cosmic order.
Join anytime!
I have been slowly listening and contemplating all of the teachings and explanations. I have every single emotion possible. I’m so so happy, so grateful. I am so taken aback, in awe, and appreciative that I have been born with the wonderful karma to have the privilege to be able to access, and receive this scripture, and to have it be taught, translated and expressed so well, by you. I simply need to go and sit for a moment, in silence. And just be. Just be still. I’ll be forever thankful to have you enter my life and become my most inspiring, knowledgeable, trusted, respected and heartfelt teacher. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." - Erika

Scriptural Deep Dive
Deep, authentic teachings made meaningful & personal within a container of stewardhip.
Kaya’s moves students through depth teachings verse by verse or sutra by sutra. With metaphor, stories, authentic understanding of the Sanskrit and the traditional bhaṣya, Kaya reveals the hidden meanings unknowable by academic or new age approaches.
Kaya’s most comprehensive study program, taught annually since 2017. The Bhagavad Gitā offers the most supreme yogic teachings brought down from the mountain top into real life. This program is an immersion in personal and spiritual growth. Taught in an authentic way that takes you beyond dry “philosophy” and into true meaningful transformation.
Discover answers to life’s deepest questions about the human experience and the choices that bring supreme happiness.
Join the Current Round Now
Nectar of Patanjali
Clarify Yoga’s Purpose & Practice in this transformational householder’s approach to Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtrāni.
Explore key teachings of the yoga sutras in ways that touch the heart and impact your practice and life. In this program we’ll extract the esoteric and transformational nectar of key sutras with the ancient commentary of Veda Vyāsa and the blessing of the oral teachings of Kaya’s teachers.
Self Paced, Join Anytime
Thank you, Kaya, for all that you do for us - your humility, wit, clarity, care, insight and your ability to hold an expansive vision while empathizing with our individual struggles. I honestly had no idea teacher-student relationships could be so nourishing and I know that is because you are tapped into something very real, very meaningful and very magical. Thank you for all that you do, and thank you to your teachers and theirs and theirs and backwards throughout time.” ~ JJ, Pilates & Yoga Instructor

Shorter Courses
Mini Modules to get started or to compliment other programs. These shorter courses offer a deepening of topics that are utilized in other programs and teachings but without the time to unpack them. Choose Sanskrit pronunciation or the Doctrine of Karma – or both. These programs deliver essential principles guaranteed to enhance and deepen your experience of vedic wisdom.
Demystifying Karma
Understand the vast mystery of karma, fate, free will and reincarnation. Everything that you ever wanted to know about karma but no one could answer well.
You’ll be recallibrated by this life-changing wisdom which is essential for anyone on a yogic journey.
Secrets of Sleep
This deep, practical & mystical offering reveals the secrets of sleep. Kaya alchemizes modern & mystical science + Āyurvedic teachings to heal your sleep with deep + wisdom transmission of the Māndūkya Upaniṣad on Om which explores the states of human experience and praises sleep as divine.
Sanskrit Pronunciation & Recitation
An inspiring and truly accessible min course in sacred sound. Learn about the deep value of the Sanskrit language, why pronunciation matters, how to pronounce Sanskrit sounds and how to read Sanskrit when transliterated into english so you can properly pronounce sutras, important terms, and names of āsanas. .
Thank you, Kaya, for all that you do for us - your humility, wit, clarity, care, insight and your ability to hold an expansive vision while empathizing with our individual struggles. I honestly had no idea teacher-student relationships could be so nourishing and I know that is because you are tapped into something very real, very meaningful and very magical. Thank you for all that you do, and thank you to your teachers and theirs and theirs and backwards throughout time.” ~ JJ, Pilates & Yoga Instructor

Knowledge Trainings
Training in Vidyā – Life Skills rooted in the Vedic Vision. for life or for supporting others
The realm of vidyā – which means skill. These courses relay knowledge that deepen your understanding and application of the vedic vision of the universe and how we play in it. Join these courses for yourself or to guide you in supporting true healing and transformation in others.
Secrets of the Subtle Body
Authenticated wisdom of the nādis, cakras, guṇas elements and more, as has been passed down and protected through generations. Kaya threads storytelling, scripture and oral transmission in this 2 part program paired with experiential practices. From yogaland myth-busting to awakening teachings you & your yoga practice will not be the same after this program.
Available Now, Self Paced
Nectar of Nidra
Deep training in Yogic Sleep with authentic tantric and vedic context. Learn to share this profoundly accessible but advanced practice with others. Full spectrum authentic teachings will support you to confidently lead Savasana & Yoga Nidrā.
This program threads āyurveda, yoga therapy, tantra, vedanta, and vedic astrology for true healing and transformation.
Available Now, Self Paced
Vāstu: Divine Patterns of Life & Yoga
The cosmos is organized in patterns with hidden meaning. Learn to recognize and utilize the most harmonizing patterns {and avoid disharmony} in life, home & your asana practice or teaching.
This is a life-altering opportunity to transform your ability to see everything as living pattern. The whole world – including asana – will look divinely different to you after this program.
Available Now, Self Paced
Healing Hypermobility
For nearly two decades Kaya has specialized her yoga therapy work on tending to the hypermobile tendencies rampant in the majority of dedicated yoga practitioners and teachers. She has also healed her own hypermobility patterns. Healing Hypermobility was developed in 2013 to support yoga teachers in healing themselves & others.
Available On Demand
ŚṚY Fundamentals
Deepen your practice of Supreme Release Yoga and learn to share SRY with others.
Get into the intricacies of the most essential practices of SRY with Kaya so you can be empowered in your own personal practice and gain the skill to share this healing and transformational practice with others.
Available On Demand
Thank you for this amazingly comprehensive teaching. I've felt that there was a different form of wisdom from what I had learned before but never accessed until now with you. The upanishad story you told in this program touched me deeply! I will be listening again, just to drink it in! As someone who was initiated at a problematic yoga school, I had felt lost about how to proceed on my yoga and spiritual path until now. Your teaching gives me hope, guidance and a way forward. Thank you". ~ Judith, Yoga Teacher

Initiation & Certification
Training in Vidyā – Life Skills rooted in the Vedic Vision. for life or for supporting others
The realm of vidyā – which means skill. These courses relay knowledge that deepen your understanding and application of the vedic vision of the universe and how we play in it. Join these courses for yourself or to guide you in supporting true healing and transformation in others.
Heal, transform and illumine your life, clear difficult karma, and gather support from the unseeable realms of the divine.
Teachings and initiation into rituals, practices, teachings, skills and remedies with Kaya are offered by invitation based on your astrological chart, revelations during vedic counseling sessions, various pre-requisites and other metricts that determine the safety, appropriateness and readiness of the student relative to the teachings, the subject and the group dynamic.
By invitation during the vedic year

Formal acknowledgement of your commitment to yoga
Gather all of your studies with Kaya into a Certification! You choose your journey, depth & pace in our modular certifications which bundles Kaya’s authentic offerings into 3 levels of certification: Initiation, Integration or Illumination.